Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Home Health Care Products: Putting the “Living” Back in Senior Living

As the body gets weaker, it gets harder and harder to move around, even in one's own house. Eventually, the pressure to move someplace where one can get proper care and assistance increases. An elderly person can stay where he or she resides through the care of a relative, or through the use of assisted living services. However, in many states like Omaha, senior living means letting the elderly feel like they can do some things themselves, and that they are not totally reliant on others.

Exercise and rehab can help a little, but for many who want to age in place, a good option is to have home care products at home. There are many facilities and tools that can be set up, even simple ones, which can go a long way in helping aging adults retain some of their independence.

Mobility aids

Arguably the biggest problem is how to get from one place to another. Simple acts like walking or climbing stairs become much harder than before. The traditional solutions are walkers, canes, or wheelchairs, but it's also possible to have permanent facilities installed like handrails or chair lifts. Trapeze bars are also an option to help in getting up from chairs or beds.

For compromised dexterity

Another challenge is presented by decreasing dexterity. Fingers or hands may get weaker, decreasing the strength to grip, turn, or push things. Shoe horns and sock aids help in getting socks and shoes onto the feet with minimal effort, while button aids can also help reduce the effort in putting on clothes with buttons. It would also be a good idea to buy clothes that do not have zippers, buttons, or hard-to-manipulate parts necessary for proper wearing.

For impaired senses

It's not just the muscles that are compromised as we age. The senses also experience increasing deterioration. The most critical senses are sight and hearing. Hearing aids and spectacles are common tools, but there are other solutions. Talking watches and thermometers, telephones with large buttons, computer screen magnifiers and other magnification products are just some options that can be explored.

For the elderly, it is important to feel a certain degree of independence. Of course, this is not to say they should be left totally alone. To support the aging population, Omaha assisted living services are still necessary.


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